Monday, December 3, 2007

Welcome to the Washington D.C. Missions Blog

Students, parents, prayer supporters, and other friends, please pray for us as we seek to grow closer to Jesus Christ in preparation for what He will do in us and through us as we minister to those in our nation's capital.


Pezzi Family said...

We are praying for TKCS Washington DC team. Our capital of the United States is an excellent choice to witness of His Love and Grace, where our nation is lead. We pray your mission efforts there will bring many to the Lord. We are praying you will experience how planting seeds, for others to know Him will grow in your life and others. We pray this will impact your life forever.
He has RISEN!! Spread His Word
Bob, Wendy and Alex Pezzi

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Washington
If their is anythong you need, please call on me.
With regards
George Bush

Mrs. Debra Anderson said...

Looking forward to a move of God in Washington D.C. Safe travels on Monday.

Praying for all for you.

Anonymous said...

What a great day you had. How exciting! We miss you and love you. We are very proud of all of you. Keep up the great work!
God is pleased.
We Love You !!!