Tuesday, March 25, 2008

DC 08 Day 1 - Monday March 24

Happy Day! God is so good inspite of us! What a day - starting with Mrs. Tuley setting the alarm off at school and waking Mr. Staley prior to 5am...to ending with Mr. Garman's birthday, group prayers and everything in between! Such an amazing day! Our parents and the prayer send off - the experience at Food And Friends, some of us bagging individualized custom meals and some of us dishing up fresh made food that will be delivered to over 1000 homes of seriously/terminally ill clients - neglecting to call the phone chain upon our arrival (please forgive us!) - to making our own sack lunches in less than 10 minutes and eating them in the car on the way to our next site, the IONA Senior Citizen Services - loading three huge flats full of canned goods into four vehicles and driving to a low income senior apartment highrise where in the parking lot we sorted, divided and bagged all the day's deliveries midst the traffic of garbage trucks and hospital equipment deliveries and residents out for a stroll and then went in and delivered them to the seniors one knock on a door at time. We were able to talk to and/or pray with many of those to whom we made deliveries...what a joy, shock and experience! We ate at an Indian restraunt and took a ride on the absolutely longest escalader any of us have ever seen. It goes deep down under to Washington's subway. (We didn't take the subway - just the escalator to say that we had done it!) A stop at CVS and setting up the "surprize" birthday party of Mr. Garman. The kids were absolutely marvelous! They worked hard for hours on end and enjoyed it throughly. Kristyn, Chris and Mark are wonderful hosts and guides. Our crew is so pumped up for whatever tommarow holds. And, all had crashed by 11 pm. We head out from "Star" (that is what we call our home base) at 8 am in the morning. Thanks for your prayers! Keep them coming! Ephesians 3:14-21 Love, TKCS DC 08 Team
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